Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Unabridged vs. Abridged

Do you care if your classics are abridged or unabridged?

Personally I try to never read an abridged version if an unabridged version is available. I would rather read the story as it was meant to be told. I try to not even purchase abridged editions because I probably won't read them since I would rather read the unabridged classic. The only exception to this rule is that one of the black dustjacket Barnes & Noble classics is abridged. For the sake of the set I had to purchase it. After all I did want to collect all of the volumes. I will probably not read it though as I could easily find an unabridged copy to satisfy the "full" length of the novel as it was meant to be read.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

What are you reading now?

What classic are you in the middle of now? What do you think of it? Are you going to finish it?

What classic are you going to dive into next?

I'm not sure if it is considered a classic just yet but next I will be starting The Magician by Raymond E. Feist. It is the first book in the Riftwar Saga series.

Would you consider this to be a Science Fiction classic?