How many of you out there would consider the Harry Potter series as classic? I personally would think that the series is classic or that it will be considered classic in coming generations. Your thoughts are appreciated!
Please let me know why or why not you would consider Harry Potter as a series classic or not!
No. Rowling's books are poorly written. Her grammar is painfully simple, on a par with "See Spot. See Spot run." Her plots are convoluted and inconsistent. Toward the end of each book an entire chapter of exposition is necessary to explain the how & why events played out the way they did. She repeatedly writes her characters into problems that CANNOT be solved by means made known to the audience up to that point. She has to wave her CREATOR wand to make some NEW thing or principle of magic appear to save the day.
Thank you very much for your response!
hi. for me, yes, it can be considered a classic for the next generations to follow.
yes, there were errors on the books, nevertheless, all the books were great! it's a series i can't stop reading repeatedly.
Absolutely! I've been reading them for years and years and they've made such an impression on me. I can learn from her as a writer as well as a reader.
I really disagree with Legal Eagle, but books are specific to the reader, right? So we see things differently. For me, her plots are not convoluted at all -- they were meticulously planned throughout each of her seven books. The reader grows along with Harry, as the books grow more complicated and gnawingly real as they go on.
Her characters' names take after Dickens'. She does not favor deus ex machina -- she gives the reader the tools they need to solve the mystery, although she takes them on so many twists and turns as time goes by that we are often shocked and amazed by what ends up happening. Best of all, her characters are realer than almost any other modern-day author. They are characters that will stay with me for the rest of my life.
I love J.K. Rowling and would not be the person I am today without her work.
well my friends of hogworts witch craft and wizardry, i am a huge fan of th books. what they unravel is interesting and creative. i feel sorry for the children of th enext century growing up a they will not have the excitiment of waiting or the next Harry Potter movie or book to come out. Harry Potter has shaped my childhood and who i have become. It most certinalty is, a mordern day classic.
sincerly, rubius haggrid.
personally, my friends and I love harry potter. the books are a deliciously inticing bout of mystery and twists. I thank J.K Rowling for creating such a wonderous tale for me and my generation to grow up with. like lord of the rings, i do believe that harry potter will in future generations be classified a classic, i encourage future generations to read these books!
I also disagree with legal eagle.
The Harry Potter series has greatly impacted on me. J.K Rowling has a vast imagination which transfers from her books to her readers.
The lasting theme of adolescence, personal hardship,perseverance and of course magic creates a base for thrilling stories.
The entire Harry Potter series intrigues almost all readers like no other novel has before. There is so much to be learnt from her writing, everybody has a different perspective and takes something different from the novels. Harry Potter IS a classic. Although the books arent perfect, isnt it true that nobodies perfect?
In agreement with what Legal Eagle said, her grammar is very simple. But, the same can be said for a great writer like Hemingway. I quote Kurt Vonnegut, "I wonder now what Ernest Hemingway's dictionary looked like, since he got along so well with dinky words that everybody can spell and truly understand."
I believe that Rowling will be a classic for generations to come. Speaking, in particular, about the Deathly Hallows. The book is nothing more than a morality lesson. Exactly the material that classics are made of.
The rest of the books are meant to amuse. Amuse for people of younger age. But, as adults reading her books, they all teach very important lessons.
I find it will most defiantly pass the test of time, for Harry Potter has made such a prominent mark on the literary world. Impacting millions, it will be held on the same shelf as other literary greats.
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