Saturday, April 26, 2008

What Classic would you like to read?

What are the top 3 classics that you would really love to read if only you had the time?

My top three are:
Ethan Frome by Edith Wharton
The Jungle by Upton Sinclair
Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand (if you consider this a classic as I do)

Another very small Penguin 60's classic that I will end up reading very shortly is Madame de Treymes by Edith Wharton.

If you are a regular reader what is keeping you from the timeless classics that you so want to read? There is no better time than now to start that classic that you've always had curiosity about. Read something timeless and I bet you'll have a great time!

I like to mix it up when I read books. I try to get a wide variety when reading classics. My favorite writer that I've never read is Edith Wharton. Why? How? I mean since I've never read her how can she be one of my most favorite writers? I do not know except to say that just what little I know about her I am very intrigued to find out who Madame de Treymes or Ethan Frome are, or what is the Custom of the Country, or where is the House of Mirth? I am sure that I will love reading those yarns as much as I will love reading Summer or Old New York. I am especially interested in Old New York since it is a series on different decades of New York set in the 1840's, 1850's, 1860's and the 1870's. I find it very interesting to read something of that kind of historical signficance and accuracy for a place that I could visit today if I so chose (and just how impossibly inconceivably different it has become compared to when Edith Wharton was walking those streets).

I challenge those of you whom have some time to read to pick up a classic. If you can't find one, don't know of one, or need some help - ask me. I would love to help you find the next really good classic that will take your mind to a different place and time where the environment, the story, the mood, and the writing is all classic.